Saturday, October 27, 2007


Myth or Belief is a kind of story or rudimentary narrative sequence, normally traditional and anonymous, through which a given culture ratifies its social customs or accounts for the origins of human and natural phenomena, usually in supernatural or boldly imaginative terms. The term has a wide range of meanings, which can be divided roughly into ‘rationalist’ and ‘romantic’ versions: in the first, a myth is a false or unreliable story or belief.

i heard this myth / belief or story in one of the TV show here in the Philippines this is about the peoples in the province of bohol, they called it "The Boat Coffin" the villager and fisherman's are offering foods, drinks and cigarettes in one of the cave in an island in their province and they said that they are offer this to give thanks and to have a blessings for there families, and to capture many fish from the sea.

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